Incompatibility factors of Ganoderma sinense
英文关键词:monokaryogenesis, mating type, parental type
基金项目:食用菌产业升级与可持续发展技术体系示范(No. 2011GA720008)
刘新锐 福建农林大学菌物研究中心 福建 福州 350002 
王圣铕 福建农林大学菌物研究中心 福建 福州 350002 
谢宝贵 福建农林大学菌物研究中心 福建 福州 350002 
柯宾榕 福建农林大学菌物研究中心 福建 福州 350002 
吴小平 福建农林大学菌物研究中心 福建 福州 350002 
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      In order to carry out the cross-breeding of Ganoderma sinense, mating type factors in six strains of G. sinense were analyzed. Using the protoplast monokaryogenesis technique, nine monocaryons of different parental type were derived from the six strains. There were seven different A factors and seven different B factors in the nine monokaryons, respectively accounting for 77.8% of the monocaryons. It suggested that there was a wealth of mating type factor in G. sinense, which could lay the foundation for the cross-breeding of G. sinense.
刘新锐,王圣铕,谢宝贵,柯宾榕,吴小平. 紫芝不亲和性因子分析[J]. 菌物学报, 2014, 33(2): 464-468
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