Effect of culture conditions on sporulation of Alternaria solani
英文关键词:Potato early blight, mycelial wound, ultraviolet light, culture media, temperature
基金项目:现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金(No. CARS-10-P12)
刘丽丽 河北农业大学植物保护学院 河北 保定 071000 
朱杰华 河北农业大学植物保护学院 河北 保定 071000 
崔亚婧 河北农业大学植物保护学院 河北 保定 071000 
杨志辉 河北农业大学植物保护学院 河北 保定 071000 
徐进 河北农业大学植物保护学院 河北 保定 071000 
路文雅 河北农业大学植物保护学院 河北 保定 071000 
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      茄链格孢Alternaria solani在体外培养条件下不产生或产生极少量的分生孢子。研究了培养基、菌丝损伤、紫外线照射和温度变化对7个茄链格孢菌株产孢的影响,发现这些处理方法对供试大多数菌株的产孢都有显著影响,确立了茄链格孢大量产孢的最优条件。利用优化后的条件对160株采自不同地区的茄链格孢进行体外诱导产孢,发现120株可大量产孢,占总数的75%,产孢量为1.26×104–5.03×104个/cm2。
      The sporulation ability of Alternaria solani is very limited when it is grown in vitro. The current paper deals with the effects of media, mycelial wound, ultraviolet light treatment, and temperature alteration on conidial production of 7 strains. It is found that all these treatments have significant effects on sporulation. The optimum condition for large amount sporulation of A. solani was determined. Totally 160 strains of A. solani isolated from various locations were investigated for sporulation by using optimizing sporulation conditions in vitro. The results showed that 120 strains (75% of the total) could produce a large number of conidia, ranged from 1.26×104 conidia/cm2 to 5.0×104 conidia/cm2.
刘丽丽,朱杰华,崔亚婧,杨志辉,徐进,路文雅. 培养条件对茄链格孢产孢的影响[J]. 菌物学报, 2014, 33(3): 659-667
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