The changes of submicroscopic structure and chemical elements of external surface during sporulation of Badhamia gracilis
英文关键词:myxomycetes, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry, ontogeny, surface structure
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No. 31070012);博士学科点专项科研基金联合资助项目(No. 20102223110001)
宋晓霞 吉林农业大学食药用菌教育部工程研究中心 吉林 长春 130118 
王琦 吉林农业大学食药用菌教育部工程研究中心 吉林 长春 130118 
李玉 吉林农业大学食药用菌教育部工程研究中心 吉林 长春 130118 
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      利用扫描电子显微镜和能量色散X射线分析技术对细钙丝菌Badhamia gracilis子实体发育过程中原生质团和子实体一些结构的外表面亚显微形态特征与化学元素变化过程进行了研究。结果显示:原生质团表面为膜质、具有乳突的结构;囊被表面经乳突状结构发育为光滑且波浪状的膜质结构,表面分布着带弯型膜质通道的石灰质颗粒分泌口(0.6–0.8μm);柄表面经乳突状结构发育为膜质、具有纵褶的结构,内部包含石灰质颗粒;孢丝表面为粗糙的膜质,内部包含石灰质颗粒;孢子为表面具有不规则疣和脊的膜质结构。各发育阶段原生质团、囊被、柄、孢丝及孢子表面具有特定的化学元素种类,亚显微形态特征相同的结构表面部分化学元素相对含量更为相近。
      Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry were used to study the submicroscopic structure and the corresponding chemical element changes of plasmodium and some fruiting body structures of Badhamia gracilis during sporulation. The results showed that the plasmodium had a membranous structure with many papillas on the surface. The external of peridium developed into a smooth and waving membrane from papillate structure and had curved secretory pores (0.6–1.8μm) of lime granules on the surface. The external of stalk developed from papillate structure into a longitudinal wrinkled membranous structure which had lime granules inside. The external of capillitium was rough membranous structure and had lime granules inside. The external of spore was membrane with irregularly wart and ridge. The external of plasmodium, peridium, stalk, capillitium and spore had unique chemical elements at different stage of sporulation, and some external structures with identical microscopic morphological characteristics had similar relative content of some chemical elements.
宋晓霞,王琦,李玉. 细钙丝菌子实体发育过程中表面亚显微形态特征和化学元素变化研究[J]. 菌物学报, 2014, 33(3): 652-658
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