中文关键词:被孢霉属  被孢霉科  分类  中国  武夷山被孢霉  极细无色被孢霉
英文关键词:Mortierella  Mortierellaceae  taxonomy  China  Mortierella wuyishanensis  Mortierella hyalina var. subtilissima
基金项目:Supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and in part a grant from the State Committee of Education for returned overseas students.
陈法军 中国科学院微生物研究所真菌地衣系统学开放实验室, 北京 
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      被孢霉属(Mortierella Coemans)是接合菌纲(Zygomycetes)、毛霉目(Mucorales)、被孢霉科(Mortierellaceae)中的一个大属,目前已知约有90种;主要存在于土壤、植物残体、动物粪便等基物中。我国过去对被孢霉的研究不多,在《中国真菌总汇》(1979)中记录了8个种。本研究从全国22个省、市、自治区采集的2000多号样品中,分离到约220个被孢霉菌株。本研究主要采用Gams (1970, 1977)的分类系统进行分类鉴定,并对该系统进行了修改。在属下分3个亚属(Micromucor, MortierellaGamsiella), 8个组(Actinomortierella, Alpina,Hygrophila, Mortierella, Schmuckii, Simplex, SpinosaStylospora),单囊霉(Haplosporangium)被承认为独立的一个属。本研究鉴定出22个种和3个变种,包括一个新种(武夷山被孢霉Mortierella wuyishanensis sp. nov.)和一个新变种(极细无色被孢霉Mortierella hyalina(Harz) W. Gams var. subtilissima var. nov.), 14个中国新纪录。这14个新纪录为:产芽胞被孢霉(Mortierella. gemmifera M. Ellis)、园圃被孢霉(M. horticola Linnem.)、矮小被孢霉(M. humilis Linnem.)、无色被孢霉(M. hyalina(Harz) W. Gams)、印度被孢霉(M. indica B.S. Mehrotra)、英杜被孢霉(M. indohii C.Y. Chien),詹金氏被孢霉(M. jenkinii (A.L. Sm.) Naumov)、可疑极小被孢霉(M. minutissima Tiegh. var. dubia Linnem.)、易变被孢霉(M. mutabilis Linnem.)、微孢被孢霉(M. parvispora Linnem.)、角胞拉曼被孢霉(M. ramanniana(Moller) Linnem. var. angulispora (Naumov) Linnem.)、网孢被孢霉(M. reticulata Tiegh.& G. Le Monn.)、多疣被孢霉(M. verrucosa Linnem.)、轮枝被孢霉(M. verticillata Linnem.)。文中讨论和评价了一些分类性状,还列出分亚属、分组、分种和变种的检索表.每个分类单元都有描述和讨论以及线条图、并列出分布地区。
      More than 2000 samples, including soils, plant debris, animal dung and other substrates, were collected from 22 provinces in China during this study. About 220 strains of Mortierella species were isolated by use of the soil-plate method for soil samples and the direct method for other samples. In the classification of the genus, the taxonomic scheme proposed by Gams (1970, 1977) was basically followed with some modifications. Haplosporangium is recognized as a separate genus. Twenty two species and three varieties, including one new species and one new variety (Mortierella wuyishanensis sp. nov. and M. hyalina (Harz) W. Gams var. subtilissima var. nov.) were identified. Fourteen taxa, i.e. Mortierella gemmifera M. Ellis, M. horticola Linnem., M. humilis Linnem., M. hyalina (Harz) W. Gams, M. indica B.S. Mehrotra, M. indohii C.Y. Chien, M. jenkinii (A.L. Sm.) Naumov, M. minutissima Tiegh. var. dubia Linnem., M. mutabilis Linnem., M. parvispora Linnem., M. ramanniana (A. Moller) Linnem. var. angulispora (Naumov) Linnem., M. reticulata Tiegh. & G. Le Monn., M. verrucosa Linnem. and M. verticillata Linnem. are new records for China. Some taxonomic problems and criteria for differentiating species and varieties within the genus are discussed. Keys to subgenera, sections, species and varieties of Mortierella in China are given. Descriptions, line drawings, substrata and distributions in this country are provided for each taxon.
陈法军. 中国的被孢霉种类[J]. 菌物学报, 1992, 11(Z1): 23-64
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