Observation on influences of NaCl solution on hyphal growth, sporangenesis, and mosquito control capacity of Pythium guiyangense
英文关键词:Pythium guiyangense, mycelia growth, sporangial formation, biological control
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No. 30760140)
夏嫱 遵义医学院珠海校区 贵州省免疫学研究生教育创新基地 广东 珠海 519041 
胡慧 贵阳医学院生物学教研室 贵州 贵阳 550004 
黄江海 珠海市盈盛科技有限公司 广东 珠海 519060 
苏晓庆 贵阳医学院生物学教研室 贵州 贵阳 550004 珠海市盈盛科技有限公司 广东 珠海 519060 
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      研究不同浓度NaCl溶液对贵阳腐霉菌丝生长、产孢能力及灭蚊能力的影响,探讨贵阳腐霉对NaCl溶液的耐受性,为其在含盐水体中控制蚊虫种群的应用提供理论依据。结果表明:低浓度NaCl溶液可以促进贵阳腐霉菌丝生长及孢子囊形成,高浓度NaCl溶液则抑制菌丝生长及孢子囊形成。于0.01%浓度NaCl溶液中培养24h菌丝生长速度最快,产孢子囊数量最多,与对照相比差异显著。随着NaCl浓度升高,菌丝及孢子囊形成均受影响。菌丝生长速度降低,孢子囊形成数量减少。在0.75% NaCl溶液中贵阳腐霉的菌丝生长严重受抑制,且产孢子囊能力为零。灭蚊实验表明,0.01% NaCl溶液中贵阳腐霉的灭蚊能力在72–96h时均比蒸馏水对照组强,但二者未有显著差异,120h蒸馏水对照组灭蚊能力均明显高于各浓度NaCl溶液处理组;蚊虫总感染率蒸馏水对照组均显著高于NaCl溶液处理组。
      The effects of NaCl solution of different concentrations on Pythium guiyangense in terms of mycelial growth, sporulation capacity and mosquito control ability were investigated. The experimental results showed that the growth and sporulation capacity of P. guiyangense were promoted in low concentrations of NaCl solution, while at higher concentrations, the growth and sporangium formation of the fungus were depressed. The fastest growth and strongest sporulation capacity were observed in 0.01% NaCl solution at the 24th hour, and the difference from the control significant. The sporangium formation speed slowed down and the number decreased along with the increase of NaCl solution concentrations. In 0.75 % NaCl solution, mycelial growth and sporangial formation were stopped. Mosquito bioassay results showed that the mosquito infection rates by P. guiyangense were higher in 0.01% NaCl solution at the 72th and 96th hours than in distilled water, although the differences were not significant statistically. At the 120th hour, mosquito infection rates were higher in distilled water than in NaCl solutions of different concentrations. Mosquito total infection rates were significantly higher in distilled water than in various NaCl solutions.
夏嫱,胡慧,黄江海,苏晓庆. NaCl溶液对贵阳腐霉菌丝生长、孢子囊产生及灭蚊能力的影响[J]. 菌物学报, 2013, 32(Z1): 249-254
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