Three species of Cortinarius new to China
英文关键词:Cortinariaceae, Agaricales, taxonomy
基金项目:National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31270072); National Basic Research Priorities Program of China (No.?2012FY111600).
魏铁铮 中国科学院微生物研究所真菌学国家重点实验室 北京 100101 
姚一建 中国科学院微生物研究所真菌学国家重点实验室 北京 100101 
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      报道了丝膜菌属Cortinarius Telamonia亚属的3个中国新记录种,其中双环丝膜菌C. bivelus产自我国东北和西南地区,亚石榴丝膜菌C. subbalaustinus产自云南省,亚野丝膜菌C. subtorvus产自西藏自治区。对这3个种进行了详细的描述,并提供其宏观特征和显微结构图片。
      Three species of Cortinarius in the subgenus Telamonia, C. bivelus, C. subbalaustinus and C. subtorvus, are newly recorded in China. Cortinarius bivelus was found in the Northeast and the Southwest of China, while C. subbalaustinus was collected from Yunnan Province and C. subtorvus from Xizang Autonomous Region. The full descriptions of the species, accompanied with illustrations of macro- and microscopic characters, are provided in this paper.
魏铁铮,姚一建. 中国丝膜菌属三个新记录种[J]. 菌物学报, 2013, 32(Z1): 160-166
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