Corallomycetella属及以C. jatrophae为模式建立新属Corallonectria(丛赤壳科,肉座菌目)
Revision of the genus Corallomycetella with Corallonectria gen. nov. for C. jatrophae (Nectriaceae, Hypocreales)
英文关键词:biogeography, fungal systematics, Nectria, plant pathogen
C.S. HERRERA Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland, 2112 Plant Sciences Building, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA [美国] 
A.Y. ROSSMAN Systematic Mycology and Microbiology Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, B-010A, 10300 Beltsville, Maryland 20705, USA [美国] 
G.J. SAMUELS Systematic Mycology and Microbiology Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, B-010A, 10300 Beltsville, Maryland 20705, USA [美国] 
Christian LECHAT Ascofrance, 64 route de Chizé, F-79360 Villiers en Bois, France [法国] 
P. CHAVERRI Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland, 2112 Plant Sciences Building, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA [美国] 
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      对Corallomycetella属的概念进行了阐述,该属包括子实体为红色、在自然和培养条件下产生菌索的丛赤壳类真菌。根据对近期采集的标本的观察和多基因系统树分析的结果,广义的Corallomycetella repens形成2个分支,它们与生物地理因素相关联。狭义的Corallomycetella repens限于来自亚洲的标本,而C. elegans来自非洲和美洲。Corallomycetella属成熟的子囊孢子表面具有纤细条纹,此特征过去曾被忽略,C. jatrophae与广义的Neonectria属关系接近,而与C. repens和 C. elegans关系较远;因而建立新属Corallonectria,其子囊壳表面细粉状,无性型为束丝结构并与镰孢菌相似。
      The genus Corallomycetella (Ascomycota, Sordariomycetes, Hypocreales, Nectriaceae) has been defined to include red nectrioid fungi associated with rhizomorphs in nature and culture. With the recent collection of an unusual specimen having striated ascospores, the genus was re-examined using this and previously obtained cultures. A multilocus tree was constructed based on three loci (ITS, mcm7, β-tubulin) to determine phylogenetic relationships. Our results indicate that Corallomycetella repens sensu lato forms two clades associated with biogeography. Corallomycetella repens sensu stricto is restricted to specimens from Asia while C. elegans is resurrected for specimens from Africa and America. Minute striations in the ascospores are an overlooked character in species of Corallomycetella. Corallomycetella jatrophae is related to Neonectria sensu lato and unrelated to C. repens and C. elegans; thus, a new genus, Corallonectria, is described to accommodate this species. Corallonectria is characterized by furfuraceous perithecia and synnematous fusarium-like anamorph.
C.S. HERRERA,A.Y. ROSSMAN,G.J. SAMUELS,Christian LECHAT,P. CHAVERRI. Corallomycetella属及以C. jatrophae为模式建立新属Corallonectria(丛赤壳科,肉座菌目)[J]. 菌物学报, 2013, 32(3): 518-544
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