梭绒盘菌(子囊菌门:锤舌菌纲)对寄主植物Medeola virginiana的系统性侵染 |
Systemic infection of Medeola virginiana (Liliaceae) by the fungus Medeolaria farlowii (Ascomycota: Leotiomycetes) |
中文关键词:克隆生长,印度黄瓜,R.P. Korf,R. Thaxter,W.G. Farlow |
英文关键词:clonal growth, Indian cucumber, R.P. Korf, R. Thaxter, W.G. Farlow |
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中文摘要: |
设计了用于扩增梭绒盘菌ITS rDNA片段的特异性引物。研究发现,梭绒盘菌不仅存在于被侵染植物的茎部病斑中,而且存在于寄主Medeola virginiana未被感染的叶片、茎及根部。由于寄主植物通过克隆繁殖,因此病害发生与营养体的系统性侵染有关。文中评述了寄主植物的生长模式以及该菌在其寄主群体中长期生存的状况。 |
英文摘要: |
Primers were designed to specifically amplify ITS rDNA regions of the fungus Medeolaria farlowii. The fungus was shown to be present not only in stem lesions but in apparently uninfected leaves, stems and rhizomes of the host plant, Medeola virginiana. Since the plant reproduces clonally it is likely that the infection is carried in populations of the host plant through systemic infection of vegetative plant parts. The growth patterns of the plant are reviewed and examples are given of long-term perpetuation of the fungus in populations of the plant. |
Donald H. Pfister,Katherine F. LoBuglio. 梭绒盘菌(子囊菌门:锤舌菌纲)对寄主植物Medeola virginiana的系统性侵染[J]. 菌物学报, 2013, 32(3): 342-346 |
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