Anastomosis grouping and genetic diversity of maize pathogen Rhizoctonia solani in Shandong
英文关键词:Rhizoctonia solani, nucleus staining, anastomosis group, genetic diversity, inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR)
基金项目:青岛农业大学博士启动基金(No. 630926);农作物病虫害综合防控“泰山学者”建设工程专项经费资助
周善跃 青岛农业大学农学与植物保护学院 山东 青岛 266109 青岛农业大学山东省应用真菌重点实验室 山东 青岛 266109 
纪震 青岛农业大学农学与植物保护学院 山东 青岛 266109 
赵川德 青岛农业大学农学与植物保护学院 山东 青岛 266109 
刘颖 青岛农业大学农学与植物保护学院 山东 青岛 266109 
李宝笃 青岛农业大学农学与植物保护学院 山东 青岛 266109 青岛农业大学山东省应用真菌重点实验室 山东 青岛 266109 
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      从山东省14个县市区采集的玉米纹枯病标本上分离获得103个玉米纹枯菌菌株。核荧光染色确定菌丝细胞核的数目,以及利用配对培养法确定不同菌株细胞是否融合。结果表明这些菌株分别属于多核丝核菌的AG-1-IA、AG-1-IB、AG-1-IC、AG-3、AG-4-HG-I、AG-5和WAG-Z融合群和双核丝核菌的AG-Ba融合群,其中AG-1-IA类型菌株数量占菌株总数的60.19%,为优势融合群。通过inter-simple sequence repeats(ISSR)标记技术进行菌株的遗传多样性分析,获得45个ISSR分子标记,其中91.1%的片段具有多态性,表明种群间存在丰富的遗传多样性。UPGMA聚类分析将103个菌株分成6个遗传聚类群,遗传聚类群的菌株组成说明遗传群组的划分与菌株的地理来源和菌株融合群类型均存在一定的相关性。
      One hundred and three isolates were obtained from the sheath blight samples of maize from 14 counties in Shandong Province. The cell nuclei were stained and observed under the fluorescent microscope. To identify the anastomosis group, the examined isolates were tested by pairing growth. The result showed that the isolates were assigned to the multinucleate groups AG-1-IA, AG-1-IB, AG-1-IC, AG-3, AG-4-HG-I, AG-5 and WAG-Z and binucleate group AG-Ba. Among the anastomosis groups, the type AG-1-IA was dominant in the population with a rate of 60.19%. Genetic diversity of the 103 isolates was investigated by the inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) analysis using 3 specific and stable primers. Forty-five sites were generated in total, among which 91.1% were polymorphic. The result indicated there was high genetic diversity among the populations. By UPGMA cluster analysis, the isolates were classified into six subgroups and the clustering had relationships in association with geographical origin and their anastomosis groups.
周善跃,纪震,赵川德,刘颖,李宝笃. 山东省玉米纹枯菌融合群类型及遗传多样性[J]. 菌物学报, 2012, 31(1): 31-39
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