Dematiaceous hyphomycetes from soil in Songliao Plain and western prairie wetlands, Jilin Province, China
英文关键词:soil fungi, taxonomy, new species, new records for China
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No. 30970011)
张伟 山东农业大学植物病理学系 山东 泰安 271018 烟台市农业科学研究院植物保护研究所 山东 烟台 265500 
刘保友 烟台市农业科学研究院植物保护研究所 山东 烟台 265500 
张天宇 山东农业大学植物病理学系 山东 泰安 271018 
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      从吉林松辽平原暨西部草原湿地不同生态环境中采集土壤样品42份,采用土壤平板法和稀释法,从中分离出116个暗色丝孢菌分离物,经鉴定分属于25属,46种。其中,倒卵平脐蠕孢Bipolaris obovoidea为新种;二色单格孢Monodictys bicolorata、刚毛黑团孢Periconia hispidula和草色串孢小四变型Torula herbarum f. quaternella为中国新记录种。研究过的标本(干制培养物)及活菌种保存在山东农业大学植物病理学标本室(HSAUP),等模式标本(干制培养物)存放在中国科学院真菌标本室(HMAS)。
      Dematiaceous hyphomycetes from soil of different ecosystems in the areas of Songliao Plain and western prairie wetlands, Jilin Province, China were investigated. A total of 116 isolates were obtained from 42 soil samples. Fourty-six species in 25 genera were identified. Among them, Bipolaris obovoidea is a new spieces, while Monodictys bicolorata, Periconia hispidula and Torula herbarum f. quaternella are new records for China. Specimens (dried cultures) and living cultures of all isolates studied have been deposited in the Herbarium of Shandong Agricultural University: Plant Pathology (HSAUP). Isotype (dried cultures) is kept in HMAS.
张伟,刘保友,张天宇. 吉林松辽平原暨西部草原湿地土壤中的暗色丝孢菌[J]. 菌物学报, 2012, 31(1): 8-16
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