Lead and cadmium contents and their pollution sources in Agaricus bisporus fruiting body in Hubei Province
英文关键词:background values, compost, covering soil, relevance, pollution sources
李艳艳 华中农业大学应用真菌研究所 武汉 430070 华中农业大学 农业部农业微生物资源综合利用实验室 武汉 430070 
李维琳 华中农业大学生命科学技术学院 武汉 430070 华中农业大学 农业部农业微生物资源综合利用实验室 武汉 430070 
边银丙 华中农业大学应用真菌研究所 武汉 430070 华中农业大学 农业部农业微生物资源综合利用实验室 武汉 430070 
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      双孢蘑菇Agaricus bisporus子实体中重金属铅、镉含量分析结果表明,铅、镉的背景值含量分别为0.636mg/kg和0.127mg/kg,样品中铅含量的范围为0.087-2.40mg/kg,镉含量的范围为0.038-0.301mg/kg。在两种不同栽培模式下,子实体中铅含量均有显著差异,但镉的含量并无显著差异。相关性分析表明,子实体中铅来源于覆土而与培养料无关,而镉的来源与栽培方式有关,覆土和培养料中的镉含量均影响子实体中的镉含量。
      Analysis of heavy metal contents in Agaricus bisporus fruiting body showed the background values of lead and cadmium were 0.636mg/kg and 0.127mg/kg respectively. Lead content of the samples is in the range of 0.087-2.40mg/kg, and cadmium content 0.038-0.301mg/kg. Based on two difference cultivation methods, levels of lead in fruiting bodies have significant differences, but the content of cadmium is not significantly different. Correlation analysis showed that lead of fruiting body was mainly originated from the covering soil and had no relation with the compost. However, cadmium content in fruiting body had relation with the cultivation methods and was influenced by both compost and covering soil.
李艳艳,李维琳,边银丙. 湖北省双孢蘑菇子实体中重金属铅镉含量及来源分析[J]. 菌物学报, 2011, 30(4): 624-629
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