Screening and breeding of lipase-producing fungi and a study of the lipase properties
英文关键词:fungi, lipase, identification, lipase properties, Penicillium chrysogenum
基金项目:四川省教育厅重点科研项目(No. 08ZA053);四川农业大学科技创新基金项目(No. 00731200)
李珍 四川农业大学生命科学与理学院 雅安 625014 
程子彰 四川农业大学生命科学与理学院 雅安 625014 
徐振杰 四川农业大学生命科学与理学院 雅安 625014 
胡容 四川农业大学生命科学与理学院 雅安 625014 
杨洲平 四川农业大学生命科学与理学院 雅安 625014 
黄乾明 四川农业大学生命科学与理学院 雅安 625014 
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      从富含油脂土壤中筛选出一株产碱性脂肪酶酶活达6.40U/mL的真菌菌株,经显微形态及ITS序列分析鉴定为产黄青霉Penicillium chrysogenum,该菌株命名为Penicillium chrysogenum J23。该菌的最佳产酶培养条件为:蔗糖1.0%、蛋白胨2.0%、橄榄油1.0%、MgSO4·7H2O 0.05%、接种量1.0%、初始pH 9.0、摇床转速200r/min、30℃培养48h。其所产脂肪酶的最适反应温度与pH分别为33℃和7.5,在pH6.0-10.0酶具有良好的稳定性,在50℃处理2h仍可保持30%以上的酶活力,50mmol/L的Ca2+、Mg2+、K+分别对酶有较强激活作用,而50mmol/L的Fe2+、Mn2+、Cu2+、Pb2+、Li2+对酶则有不同程度的抑制作用。
      Penicillium chrysogenum J23 lipase activity reached maximal level of 6.40U/mL. Maximum enzyme production was observed in the medium containing sucrose 0.1%, peptone 2.0%, olive oil 1.0%, and MgSO4·7H2O 0.05%. The medium was inoculated with an initial volume of 1.0% seed culture, agitated at 200r/min and incubated for 48h. The optimal temperature and acidity for lipase to decompose lipid was found at 30℃ and pH9.0, respectively. Lipase characterization showed that its maximal activity was observed at 33℃ and pH7.5. Moreover, the lipase was highly stable under the pH value ranging from 6.0 to 10.0, and indicated 30% of total activity at 50℃. The results also showed that this kind of lipase was activated by high concentration (50mmol/L) of common detergent ions Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, but inhibited by Fe2+, Mn2+, Cu2+, Pb2+, Li2+.
李珍,程子彰,徐振杰,胡容,杨洲平,黄乾明. 产脂肪酶真菌的选育及酶学性质研究[J]. 菌物学报, 2011, 30(1): 60-68
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