First report of powdery mildew caused by Oidium cassiae-siameae on Cassia corymbosa
英文关键词:anamorph, new host, ornamental plant, Pseudoidium, teleomorph
基金项目:China Administration of Forestry, “948” Program (No. 2006-4-79); Jiangsu Natural Science Foundation (No. BK2008243)
赵桂华 江苏农林职业技术学院 句容 212400 
李德伟 美国康涅狄克州农业研究所 美国康涅狄克州温莎镇 06095 
席刚俊 江苏农林职业技术学院 句容 212400 
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      伞房决明是长江三角洲地区的园林绿化木本植物,在每年8月下旬至11月中旬会发生严重的白粉病,造成提前落叶,导致次年部分植株死亡。该病由Oidium cassiae-siameae 引起。经过3年多的野外观察,未发现有性世代。初次报道伞房决明为Oidium cassiae-siameae白粉菌的新寄主。此真菌为中国大陆的初次记载。
      Cassia corymbosa is an introduced ornamental shrub in the Yangtze River Delta area. Severe powdery mildew occurred on C. corymbosa from late August to mid-November. It caused early defoliation and some infected plants failed to survive in the following year. The powdery mildew is caused by Oidium cassiae-siameae. The pathogen did not develop teleomorph under field observation in the last three years. This is the first report of C. corymbosa, as a new host of powdery mildew caused by Oidium cassiae-siameae. This fungus is a newly reported species in mainland China.
赵桂华,李德伟,席刚俊. 伞房决明白粉病的初次报道[J]. 菌物学报, 2010, 29(6): 869-873
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