月夜菌Omphalotus japonicus子实体个体发育 |
Fruiting body ontogeny of Omphalotus japonicus |
中文关键词:球孢白僵菌,角变,AFLP,变异,产孢量 |
英文关键词:Beauveria bassiana, sector, AFLP, variation, sporulation |
基金项目:山东省“泰山学者”建设工程专项经费 |
摘要点击次数: 2023 |
全文下载次数: 1192 |
中文摘要: |
研究了球孢白僵菌Beauveria bassiana单孢株继代过程中的菌落局变现象,并通过AFLP分析了角变子与原菌株间在分子水平上的差异。结果表明,野生型出发菌株Bb13的单孢分离株13S5和13S8在继代培养过程中均发生生长速率加快和产孢量下降现象。13S5在前5代,13S8在前6代产孢量有所下降但不显著,至第10代时产孢量比第1代分别下降了81.7%和69.0%。菌株角变现象在继代培养5-6代后表现明显,而13S8角变子出现的频率更高。AFLP指纹图谱分析表明,用20个引物组扩增出的98个位点中,两个角变子与野生型菌株间有12条差异条带,变异率达12.2%。由此证明单孢子分离株在继代培养中发生菌落局变后遗传物质已产生了变异。 |
英文摘要: |
Colony sectorization of a single-spore isolate of Beauveria bassiana was studied and molecular differences were analysed between the wild type strain Bb13 and its two single-spore isolates 13S5 and 13S8, and two sectors of 13S8 by using AFLP analysis. The results showed that 13S5 and 13S8 tended to grow faster but sporulate less during subculturing. Sporulation was not significantly different in the first 6 generations, but after subculturing over 6 to 7 generations the sporulation declined significantly, by 81.7% and 69.0% respectively, as compared to that of the first generation. Sectoring became visible after subculturing for 5-6 generations, and more frequent for 13S8. AFLP fingerprint showed that there were 12 different loci between Bb13 and its two sectors among 98 loci generated by 20 primers. The mutation rate reached 12.2%, suggesting that genetic variations occurred in the sectors of B. bassiana. |
图力古尔,宋超,李玉. 月夜菌Omphalotus japonicus子实体个体发育[J]. 菌物学报, 2010, 29(1): 132-137 |
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