Two newly recorded species of anamorphic fungi in China
英文关键词:Lentinula edodes, crossbreeding of single spore, agronomic characters, ISSR analysis, grey correlational analysis
基金项目:云南省自然科学基金(No. 2005C0076M);云南省教育厅基金(No. 06Y128B)
苏鸿雁 大理大学生命科学与化学学院 大理 671000 
曹永红 云南大学省部共建生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室培育基地 昆明 650091 
高晓梅 大理大学生命科学与化学学院 大理 671000 
莫明和 云南大学省部共建生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室培育基地 昆明 650091 
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      以香菇Lentinula edodes栽培菌株秋6和K95-1为亲本,通过单孢菌株配对杂交获得21个杂交子,观察杂交子及亲本菌丝体生长情况,进行栽培出菇试验。采用灰色关联度分析法,对9个正常出菇的杂交子从8个性状方面进行综合评价,结果表明,杂交子QK-8和QK-15关联度仅次于亲本秋6,农艺性状和子实体性状表现最好。采用ISSR技术对21个杂交子及亲本进行DNA多态性聚类分析,单孢杂交后代遗传分化十分明显,归于同一类群的杂交子在菌丝生长、子实体形态和农艺性状等方面常表现相似,ISSR分析能为优良杂交子初步筛选提供重要参考。
      Mass production strains Q6 and K95-1 of Lentinula edodes were used as parents for single-spore crossbreeding. In total, 21 hybrid isolates were obtained and used for fruitbody induction study. The fruitbodies were successfully produced by 9 hybrids and the grey correlation analysis was conducted for a comprehensive evaluation on the basis of 8 selected traits. The results showed that the correlation degrees of QK-8 and QK-15 ranked next to parental strain Q6 with similar or increased agronomic characteristics. ISSR markers were applied for DNA polymorphism cluster analysis of the 21 hybrids and their parents. The results showed that a high level of genetic differentiation occurred between different hybrids as well as between hybrids and their parents. The strains at the same clustering clade usually had similar agronomic characters such as the mycelial growth rate, fruitbody shape and so on. The methods established in this study could be helpful for strain screening for mass production of L. edodes.
苏鸿雁,曹永红,高晓梅,莫明和. 无性型菌物的两个中国新记录种[J]. 菌物学报, 2010, 29(1): 125-127
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