刺芹侧耳Pleurotus eryngii自交S1代若干性状的遗传分化
Genetic differentiation of self-crossing S1 generations of Pleurotus eryngii
英文关键词:quantitative trait, qualitative trait, germplasm resource
基金项目:上海市科技兴农重点攻关项目“食用菌工厂化生产关键技术研究”[沪农科攻字(2006)第3-1号];国家科技支撑计划重点项目“食用菌产业升级关键技术研究与开发”课题“农村食用菌规模化生产新技术及新模式研究与示范”(No. 2008BADA1B03)
李红梅 尚晓冬 谭琦 潘迎捷 陈明杰 农业部应用真菌资源与利用重点开放实验室 上海市食用菌工程技术研究中心 上海市农业遗传育种重点实验室 上海市农业科学院食用菌研究所 上海 201106 
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      本文选用刺芹侧耳Pleurotus eryngii 24号(广杏)为自交材料,对其自交S1代群体的质量性状(颜色、畸形、生长特性)和数量性状(形状、产量、大小、数目)进行了综合分析。分析结果表明:自交后代的出菇率为70%,自交导致后代群体菌丝平均生长速度和平均产量都低于亲本,16%的后代菌株单产高于亲本,最高单产达204.0g,高出亲本45.7%。木屑培养基上菌丝日均生长速度与产量无显著相关性(R = -0.028)。均菇数目与单产成显著正相关性(R = 0.543)。大部分菌株(52%)菌盖颜色为亲本颜色(灰色),自交后代出现20%非亲本形状(棒状)菌株,畸形菇占19%。后代群体盖径、柄径、柄长的变异程度相当,差异性不显著。可根据育种目标对自交子代的较优菌株进行定向选择利用。
      Strain 24 (Guang Xing) of Pleurotus eryngii was selected as self-crossed materials and comprehensive analysis of qualitative (color, deformity and growth characteristics) and quantitative (shape, yield, size and number of fruit bodies) traits of S1 generations was made. The results showed that 70% of inbred progenies fruited successfully. The average mycelium growth rate and yield of inbred progenies are lower than those of the parents’ strains. Average yield of 16% of generational strains are higher than that of parents and the highest average yields reach 204.0g which are higher by 45.7% than those of parents. The average yield was found to be indistinctly correlative (R = -0.028) with mycelium growth rate in sawdust medium, but strongly relative to fruit-body number (R = 0.543). Among the S1 generations, most pilei (52%) are concolorous with those of parent (gray). About 20% of strains are of non-parental shape (claviform) and deformative fruit-bodies (19%) were observed. The variation degree of pileus diameter is similar to that of stipe diameter and stipe length. No significant differences were observed among them. These characteristics can be used to select excellent strain in terms of breeding purposes.
李红梅 尚晓冬 谭琦 潘迎捷 陈明杰. 刺芹侧耳Pleurotus eryngii自交S1代若干性状的遗传分化[J]. 菌物学报, 2009, 28(4): 541-547
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