SSR genotypic analysis of Phytophthora infestans from potato in some areas of China
英文关键词:potato late blight, co-dominate molecular marker, genetic diversity
基金项目:河北省自然科学基金(No. C2007000463);河北农业大学重点科技项目(No. 9816)
姚国胜 杨志辉 朱杰华 桂秀梅 陶晡 河北农业大学植物保护学院 河北省农作物病虫害生物防治工程技术研究中心 保定 071001 
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      利用两对SSR引物对两个基因座Pi4B和Pi4G进行了PCR扩增,测定了中国部分地区66个致病疫霉Phyophthora infestans(马铃薯晚疫病菌)菌株和2个参考菌株的SSR基因型,并对菌株的基因型进行了鉴定和命名。在被测定的66个致病疫霉菌株中,共产生了7种SSR基因型D-03,D-05,D-06,G-02,H-01,F-01和 F-06,其中F-06为本研究新命名的基因型。F-01基因型菌株53个,占总菌株数目的80.3%,该基因型为中国致病疫霉的优势基因型。在对两个基因座Pi4B和Pi4G产生的等位基因统计分析发现基因座Pi4B产生的多样性比Pi4G高。对SSR数据揭示的河北、黑龙江和云南3个不同省份致病疫霉遗传多样性的比较发现,河北省和黑龙江省致病疫霉遗传多样性几乎相同,然而与云南省致病疫霉有较大的遗传差异。此外,发现致病疫霉SSR基因型与其对甲霜灵抗性无相关性。
      The SSR genotypes of 66 isolates of Phytophthora infestans (potato late blight pathogen) collected from potato in China and 2 reference isolates were identified and nominated by use of two loci, Pi4B and Pi4G. Among 66 isolates of P. infestans, seven SSR genotypes (D-03, D-05, D-06, G-02, H-01, F-01 and F-06) were found, of which F-06 was a novel one. Fifty-three isolates, accounting for 80.3% of the total were F-01, which was the predominant in China. Statistic analysis of allele genes generated by two loci (Pi4B and Pi4G) indicated that diversity produced by the locus Pi4B were higher than that by Pi4G. SSR data showed that genetic diversity of isolates from Hebei province was mostly the same as that of isolates from Heilongjiang province. However, genetic diversity of isolates from Yunnan province was significantly different from that of Hebei and Heilongjiang. In addition, the results showed that SSR genotype of P. infestans did not correlate to phenotype of metalaxyl-resistance.
姚国胜 杨志辉 朱杰华 桂秀梅 陶晡. 中国部分地区马铃薯寄主上致病疫霉SSR基因型分析[J]. 菌物学报, 2009, 28(2): 275-282
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