Expression of cold-induced gene Cor1 in Volvariella volvacea during low temperature treatment
英文关键词:edible fungi, cold resistant mutant, two standard curves method, real-time quantitative PCR
基金项目:上海农科院2006年度青年科学基金“利用实时荧光定量PCR技术验证草菇冷诱导基因的表达”;上海市科技兴农重点攻关项目“草菇低温诱变菌株VH3配套栽培技术的研究”(沪农科攻字2007第6-2号);农业部公益性行业科研专项项目(食用菌现代产业技术体系研究与建立)(No. nyhyzx07-008)
乔 娜 汪 虹 陈明杰 南京农业大学生命科学学院 南京 210095 
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      Volvariella volvacea V23 and cold resistant mutant VH3 were treated at 4℃ for 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10h as templates, cDNA were synthesized by reverse transcription reaction with total RNA extracted from the mycelia, and plasmid contained Cor1 and GPD gene fragment was constructed as standard for real-time quantitative PCR to investigate the expression of Cor1 in strain V23 and VH3 treated under cold stress. The results showed that the expression of Cor1 at 4℃ reached the maximum at 0h, decreased gradually and reached the minimum at 6h, then increased gradually from 8h in strain V23; expression of Cor1 increased obviously and reached the maximum at 2h, then decreased at 4h, and increased gradually at 6h and 8h, but decreased again at 10h in VH3 during low temperature treatment at 4℃. The results indicated that Cor1 gene expression was correlated with ability for cold resistance in V. volvacea. The results will be helpful to further study on breeding new variety and genetic engineering in V. volvacea.
乔 娜 汪 虹 陈明杰. 草菇冷诱导基因Cor1在低温下表达变化的研究[J]. 菌物学报, 2009, 28(2): 213-219
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