Two Aschersonia species from Fujian new to China
英文关键词:Aschersonia, Aschersonia turbinata, Aschersonia blumenaviensis, taxonomy
基金项目:National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30500005), Key Project of Fujian Provincial Programs for Science and Technology (No. 2006S0002), Fujian Provincial Natural Science Foundation (No. B0610007) and Fujian Provincial Programs for Science and Technology (No. 2007F5022)
邱君志 马慧斐 王滢滢 关雄 福建农林大学生物农药与化学生物学教育部重点实验室 福州 350002 
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      两种虫生座壳孢菌包括锥形座壳孢Aschersonia turbinata和布鲁门拿维安座壳孢Aschersonia blumenaviensis,是中国新记录种。锥形座壳孢有别于该属其他成员的特征是新鲜时具有微黄白色近圆柱形的子座,不规则的孢子器产生于1个或更多个平或凹盘里,梭状的器孢子具有锥形尖端。布鲁门拿维安座壳孢最初在巴西描述,与Aschersonia flavocitrina的子座均为柠檬黄而易混淆,但是后者有更大的孢子(12–18 × 2μm)和更长的侧丝(140-180μm)。根据中国材料对这两个虫生真菌进行了详细描述。
      Two species of entomogenous Aschersonia, Aschersonia turbinata and Aschersonia blumenaviensis, collected from Wuyi Mountains in Fujian Province, are newly recorded from China. Aschersonia turbinata is different from other species in Aschersonia by its yellowish-white subcylindric stromata when fresh, irregular pycnidia produced in one or more flat or concave disks on a more or less bulbose base and fusoid conidia with conical tips. Aschersonia blumenaviensis was originally described from Brazil, it may be confused with Aschersonia flavocitrina by sharing same stromatic color (lemon-yellow), however, the latter species has larger spores (12–18 × 2μm) and longer paraphyses (140–180μm). The illustrated descriptions of the two entomogenous fungi are provided on the basis of Chinese materials.
邱君志 马慧斐 王滢滢 关雄. 采自福建的中国座壳孢菌两新记录种[J]. 菌物学报, 2009, 28(1): 60-63
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