Phellinidium (Basidiomycota, Hymenochaetales) in China
英文关键词:Phellinidium fragrans, lignicolous and poroid fungi, taxonomy
基金项目:the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (No. 2007AA021506) and the Key Project of Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
戴玉成 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 沈阳 110016 
摘要点击次数: 2052
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      小木层孔菌属的种类在我国共有7种,其中芳香小木层孔菌Phellinidium fragrans为中国首次报道,该种发现于吉林省长白山自然保护区,与同属其它种的区别是子实体多年生、平伏、具有芳香气味,其担孢子在同属的种类中最小,菌肉中具有形状不规则的厚垣孢子。根据中国的材料对这个种进行了详细描述和显微结构绘图。给出了该属种类的检索表,并将每种孢子统计数据列在检索表中。
      Seven species of Phellinidium were reported from China. Phellinidium fragrans from Changbaishan Nature Reserve, northeastern China is newly reported for China and is characterized by its resupinate and perennial basidiocarps with fragrant odour, smallest basidiospores in the genus, and the presence of conidia in the subiculum. The illustrated description of the species is given based on the Chinese material. A key to the Chinese species of the genus is given, and statistical variations of spore dimensions of each species are included in the key.
戴玉成. 中国小木层孔菌属研究[J]. 菌物学报, 2009, 28(1): 25-28
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