Bacillus cereus B-02对Botrytis cinerea 拮抗机理的研究
Antagonistic effects of Bacillus cereus B-02 on Botrytis cinerea
英文关键词:electron microscopy, laser scanning confocal microscopy, mycelial cell, ultrastructure
基金项目:山东省教育厅研究基金(No. J04C08)
刘 婧 山东理工大学生命科学学院 淄博 255049 
马汇泉 山东理工大学生命科学学院 淄博 255049 
刘东武 山东理工大学分析测试中心 淄博 255049 
董 瑾 山东理工大学生命科学学院 淄博 255049 
杨 晓 山东理工大学生命科学学院 淄博 255049 
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      采用电子显微镜(扫描、透射)和激光扫描共聚焦显微镜,从细胞形态学和生理学水平上研究蜡样芽孢杆菌Bacillus cereus B-02过滤液对灰葡萄孢菌Botrytis cinerea的拮抗机理。结果表明,处理菌丝表面形态受到严重破坏,发生强烈变形;菌丝细胞核、线粒体和细胞壁等亚细胞结构发生了明显改变,细胞内出现大量无膜透明内含物,并产生较大液泡。此外,处理菌丝DNA、线粒体膜电位和活性氧荧光强度均低于对照组,且差异极显著;说明B-02菌株对病原真菌菌丝细胞DNA的合成、线粒体膜电位和活性氧水平有重要影响。
      To investigate the antifungal effects of antagonistic bacteria Bacillus cereus B-02 on Botrytis cinerea, the normal and treated mycelial cells were observed by scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and laser scanning confocal microscope (LSCM). The results showed that the configuration of mycelial cells treated with strain B-02 culture supernatant was destroyed and there was a lot of unmembranous material and vacuoles in the cell. Fluorescence intensity of the treated cells and that of the cells of control group was different very significantly. It indicated that the synthesis of DNA, the mitochondrial membrane potential and reactive oxygen standard of Botrytis cinerea hyphae were greatly influenced by B. cereus B-02 culture supernatant.
刘 婧,马汇泉,刘东武,董 瑾,杨 晓. Bacillus cereus B-02对Botrytis cinerea 拮抗机理的研究[J]. 菌物学报, 2008, 27(6): 930-939
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