Inducement and fruiting condition of fruit body of Phaeoporus obliquus
英文关键词:Phaeoporus obliquus, artificial inducement, solid culture, light, temperature
苏明声 王秋颖* 曾念开 吴丽伟 北京协和医学院 中国医学科学院药用植物研究所 北京 100094 
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      研究了斜生褐孔菌Phaeoporus obliquus在人工培养过程中适宜子实体形成、生长、发育的条件。主要包括子实体发生与培养基种类、培养方式、光照以及温度的关系。结果表明,甘露醇酵母膏培养基是适合斜生褐孔菌子实体发生的最佳培养基,在该培养基上斜生褐孔菌子实体的发生率可以达到100%。固体培养基适合子实体的发生和生长,第44天开始形成子实体,平均每瓶子实体的干重可达0.372g,子实体生物量对培养基中营养成分的转化率为5.81%。20℃是子实体发生的适宜温度;光照对子实体发生影响差异不明显。
      Optimal growth and development conditions of fruit bodies of Phaeoporus obliquus cultured in artificial media were studied. The relationship between fruit body formation and the induced factors such as medium formulas, culture models, light and temperature was observed. Mannitol yeast-extract medium was the optimal substrate for fruit body formation, and the formation ratio reached 100%. Solid media was optimal for fruit body formation and the formation started in 44d of incubation. The average dry weight of fruit body was 0.372g per bottle and the transformation ratio of biomass of fruit body to gross nutrients in medium was about 5.81%. The optimal temperature for fruit body formation was 20℃. No obvious influence of light was observed on the formation of fruit body.
苏明声 王秋颖* 曾念开 吴丽伟. 斜生褐孔菌子实体的诱导和发生条件[J]. 菌物学报, 2008, 27(5): 688-695
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