Differentiation of pathogenicity of Botrytis cinerea strains from different hosts to tomato
英文关键词:tomato grey mould, average diameters of lesions, pathogenicity category, locality
李喜玲,高智谋,李艳梅,曹中革,陈伟,汪世军 College of Plant Protection, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036, China 
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      Eighteen isolates of Botrytis cinerea were obtained from the diseased plant tissue collected in Hefei, Bengbu, Changfeng and Hexian in Anhui province, by means of tissue isolating method. The pathogenicity of the isolates of B. cinerea from different hosts to the fruits and leaves of tomato were investigated by applying wound inoculation with mycelial blocks. The results showed that all of the tested isolates caused grey mould on tomato fruits, but there was significant difference in the average diameters of the lesions caused by different isolates, suggesting that there was significant differentiation in pathogenicity of B. cinerea strains to tomato fruits among isolates. According to the average diameters of the lesions on tomato fruits, the pathogenicity of the all isolates was classified into three categories: strong, intermediate and weak. In general, the isolates from tomato were more strongly pathogenic to tomato fruits than the isolates from strawberry, grape and capsicum. However, there was difference in pathogenicity among the different isolates from the same host, and the pathogenicity difference was not obviously related to the localities of isolates. After inoculating of tomato leaves, all of the tested isolates except CF3 caused grey mould on tomato leaves, but there was significant difference in the average diameters of the lesions caused by different isolates; and the difference in pathogenicity to tomato leaves was not obviously related to the host and locality of isolates.
李喜玲,高智谋,李艳梅,曹中革,陈伟,汪世军. 不同寄主来源的灰葡萄孢对番茄的致病力分化研究[J]. 菌物学报, 2008, 27(3): 343-350
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