DNA identification of Tricholoma giganteum isolates
英文关键词:internal transcribed spacer ( ITS ), polymorphism, homogeneity
基金项目:贵州省科技厅科学技术基金资助项目(No. 20072043)
汤洪敏 贵州民族学院化学系 贵阳 550025, 云南大学生命科学学院 昆明 650091 
虞泓 云南大学生命科学学院 昆明 650091 
吴刚 云南大学生命科学学院 昆明 650091 
崔光芬 云南大学生命科学学院 昆明 650091 
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      以松口蘑Tricholoma matsutake子实体为外类群,对大白口蘑T. giganteum 野生子实体及其组织分离菌丝进行ITS序列测序,通过DNAStar软件进行比较分析。结果表明大白口蘑ITS序列长度为589bp,松口蘑ITS序列长度为601bp,ITS1和ITS2呈现不同程度的种间多态性;ITS序列测定证实了大白口蘑野生子实体及其组织分离菌丝的同质性,并且ITS区序列在大白口蘑种内不同菌株间的变异程度很小,表明使用通用引物ITS4和ITS5,通过PCR扩增测序即可用于大白口蘑的种质鉴定。
      The total ITS rDNA sequences of fruitbodies of Tricholoma giganteum and Tricholoma matsutake, and the mycelia of cultures isolated from fruitbodies of T. giganteum were obtained and analyzed. The results indicated that the length of entire ITS of T. giganteum was 589bp, and T. matsutake 601bp. The length discrepancy and sequence polymorphism of ITS1 and ITS2 were existed between the two species, but there was little ITS variability of intraspecies in T. giganteum. The mycelia isolated had the same ITS sequences as their original basidiocarps. The results also showed that the germplasm of T. giganteum could be diagnosed by ITS sequences.
汤洪敏,虞泓,吴刚,崔光芬. 大白口蘑分离菌株的DNA鉴定[J]. 菌物学报, 2008, 27(2): 230-236
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