Effects of Acremonium strictum on fruit-body formation of Psilocybe venenata
投稿时间:2007-03-19  修订日期:2007-04-22
英文关键词:Psilocybe venenata, Acremonium strictum, fruit-body formation, psychoactive mushroom, toadstool
申进文 河南农业大学生命科学学院 郑州 450002 
何培新 郑州轻工业学院食工学院 郑州 450002 
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       报道枝顶孢霉Acremonium strictum对毒光盖伞Psilocybe venenata子实体形成的影响。拮抗试验结果表明它们之间存在着较弱的干扰竞争作用;人工培养时,毒光盖伞混合菌株产生大型、小型和畸形3种类型的子实体,推测毒光盖伞畸形子实体的形成可能是枝顶孢霉寄生的结果,为毒光盖伞的人工栽培和进一步合理利用、野生蕈菌的驯化提供了理论依据。
       The effects of Acremonium strictum on fruit-body formation of Psilocybe venenata were studied. The results suggested that the interference competition existed between Psilocybe venenata and Acremonium strictum although such an interferent competition was weak. The macro-sporocarps, mini-sporocarps and atypical sporocarps of P. venenata were formed on PDA plate and spent compost substrate. The polymorphism of the sporocarps of Psilocybe venenata, especially the formation of atypical ones may be the results of effects of Acremonium strictum. The study is helpful to the naturalization and further exploitation of Psilocybe venenata.
申进文,何培新. 枝顶孢霉对毒光盖伞子实体形成的影响[J]. 菌物学报, 2007, 26(3): 376-379
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