Cordyceps takaomontana and its anamorph Paecilomyces tenuipes
投稿时间:2006-10-08  修订日期:2006-12-11
中文关键词:虫生真菌  微循环产孢  对应关系
英文关键词:Entomogenous fungi  microcycle conidiation  anamorph-teleomorph connection
李春如 安徽农业大学省微生物防治重点实验室 合肥 230036 
左登平 安徽农业大学省微生物防治重点实验室 合肥 230036 
南圣姬 (1.安徽农业大学省微生物防治重点实验室 合肥 230036)
(2.韩国农村振兴厅农业科学技术院 水源) 
蒲顺昌 安徽农业大学省微生物防治重点实验室 合肥 230036 
樊美珍 安徽农业大学省微生物防治重点实验室 合肥 230036 
李增智 安徽农业大学省微生物防治重点实验室 合肥 230036 
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       报道采自安徽省天堂寨自然保护区的高雄山虫草Cordyceps takaomontana及其无性型细脚拟青霉Paecilomyces tenuipes,应用单子囊孢子分离鉴定和微循环产孢的方法确证了两者的对应关系,并修订了高雄山虫草的原始描述。双梭孢虫草C.Bifusispora可能为高雄山虫草的同物异名。同时采集的具数个红色子座且有双梭形子囊孢子的虫草不是同一个种。
       A single specimen of Cordyceps,collected from Tiantangzhai Nature Preserve in Anhui Province,was identified as Cordyceps takaomontana and its originated description was revised.The strain of Paecilomyces tenuipes was isolated from single ascospore culture and it was determined as the anamorph of C.takaomontana. Several specimens of Cordyceps with red stroma and bifusiform ascospores collected from the same locality were not the same species and these need further study.
李春如,左登平,南圣姬,蒲顺昌,樊美珍,李增智. 高雄山虫草及其细脚拟青霉无性型[J]. 菌物学报, 2007, 26(2): 217-220
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